Is Spitzoid melanoma cancer?

Is Spitzoid melanoma cancer?

Spitzoid melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It begins when the melanocytes in the skin grow out of control and form tumors. Melanocytes are the cells responsible for making melanin, the pigment that determines the color of the skin.

Is Spitzoid melanoma aggressive?

Although there is a paucity of data, several smaller studies have suggested spitzoid melanomas are less aggressive and have a lower mortality rate when compared with conventional malignant melanoma, he said.

What is Spitz nevus with atypical cells?

Atypical Spitz nevi are described as conventional Spitz nevi with 1 or more atypical features with indeterminate biological potential. Features of atypical Spitz include larger size (>6 mm), irregular borders, irregular topography, or ulceration.

How fast does Spitzoid melanoma grow?

Most Spitz tumors occur in patients younger than 20 years. In those who are in their 20s and 30s who have Spitz nevi, there is a greater likelihood of malignancy in the lesion. Clinically, Spitzoid melanomas are usually changing amelanotic nodular lesions, and can grow fairly rapidly over several months.

Should a Spitz nevus be removed?

Most of the time, they are watched over time for changes. Measuring the mole’s size and taking photographs of it will help the doctor monitor for changes in size, color, and shape. Spitz nevi can be removed surgically. Surgical removal is recommended for Spitz nevi with concerning features or changes.

What is Reed nevus?

A Reed naevus is a very dark pigmented melanocytic naevus with spindle-shaped dermal melanocytes on histology. It was first reported by dermatologist Richard Reed in 1975. It is also known as a spindle cell naevus.

Can a Spitz nevus turn cancerous?

A Spitz nevus is a rare type of skin mole that usually affects young people and children. Although it can look like a serious form of skin cancer called melanoma, a Spitz nevus lesion isn’t considered cancerous.

Should I be worried about Spitz nevus?

Is a nevus a tumor?

A nevus is a benign (noncancerous) melanocytic tumor, more commonly called a mole. Nevi (the plural of nevus) are not usually present at birth but begin to appear in children and teenagers.

Do nevi grow?

Nevi grow as your body grows. A nevus that will grow to an adult size of 8 inches or more across is considered a giant nevus. On a newborn child, this means that a nevus that measures 2 inches across is considered a giant one.

Is Reed nevus benign?

Reed nevus (also known as pigmented spindle cell nevus of Reed) is an acquired, benign, melanocytic lesion most frequently classified as a variant of a Spitz nevus. A Reed nevus typically presents as an asymptomatic, single, 2-8 mm, dark brown to black macule or papule on the lower extremities of young adults.

Is Reed nevus malignant?

Reed nevi, melanoma, malignancy. Reed nevus is a benign melanocytic neoplasm, which usually manifests as a solitary spot or like a dark brown or black tumor, its usual level topography are lower extremities. It is more common in young women.

What causes Spitz nevus?

Overview of Spitz Nevus. The Spitz nevus (also known as “spindle cell nevus”) is a benign, acquired mole derived from melanocytes (pigment cells). In the past, this condition was a cause for concern because it often was confused with melanoma.

Should Spitz nevus be removed?

Spitz nevi may be removed surgically, although they can regress on their own. Spitz nevus is also known as benign juvenile melanoma, nevus of spindle/epithelioid cell type or spindle cell nevus. The typical mole is a brown spot. But moles come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes:

Can Spitz nevus become melanoma?

In a small number of cases, Spitz nevus growths resemble cancerous melanoma tumors. These are called atypical Spitz tumors (AST). Some Spitz tumors may be linked to melanomas but this is not common. Classic and pigmented Spitz nevi are considered harmless.

What is verrucous nevus?

Linear verrucous epidermal nevus (also known as a “Linear epidermal nevus,” and “Verrucous epidermal nevus”) is a skin lesion characterized by a verrucous skin-colored, dirty-gray or brown papule.

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