What is achieved status in sociology?

What is achieved status in sociology?

Achieved status is a concept developed by the anthropologist Ralph Linton for a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit and is earned or chosen. It is the opposite of ascribed status and reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts.

What are examples of achieved statuses?

An achieved status is a position in a social group that one earns based on merit or one’s choices. This is in contrast to an ascribed status, which is one given by virtue of birth. Examples of achieved status include becoming an athlete, lawyer, doctor, parent, spouse, criminal, thief, or a university professor.

Is being a mother an ascribed or achieved status?

One might argue that being an adult is an ascribed status, but being a responsible adult is an achieved status. Most ascribed statuses potentially also have an achieved component. For many parents, initially becoming a parent is an ascribed status.

What does ascribed status mean as a function of the family?

The status is a position that is neither earned by the person nor chosen for them. For example, a person born into a wealthy family has a high ascribed status based solely on the social networks and economic advantages that one gains from being born into a family with more resources than others.

Is a student an achieved status?

To some extent, achieved status reflects our work and effort. College student, college dropout, CEO, and thief are examples of achieved statuses.

Is being a daughter an achieved status?

Some statuses are ascribed—those you do not select, such as son, elderly person, or female. Others, called achieved statuses, are obtained by choice, such as a high school dropout, self-made millionaire, or nurse. As a daughter or son, you occupy a different status than as a neighbor or employee.

Is being a friend an achieved status?

Being a teammate, a student, a friend, a son/daughter, a honor student, a manager, a pilot, etc. Achieved and ascribed status form roles that individuals use to carry out their entire lives.

Is being a student an achieved status?

What is achieved status in sociology class 11?

Achieved Status is a position which a person obtains through personal (his or hers, efforts. 6. Example : For instance, one can become a doctor, engineer or lawyer by one’s own efforts.

What is an achieved status in sociology?

Answer Wiki. In sociology achieved status also known as acquired status, is a position in a social system that is achieved on merit basis. It is an acquired position that reflects one’s skills, abilities, and endeavors. Like a professional athlete, a boxer, lawyer, professor, doctor etc.

What is an achievement-based stratified society?

An achievement-based stratified society or system allocates status based on achievements and is meritocratic. Achieved status is the opposite of ascribed status. Also called acquired status.

What is the meaning of the word achieved status?

Cite the Definition of Achieved Status Definition of Achieved Status (noun) A status that is acquired or earned as the result of personal accomplishment and merit, that serves as a reflection of ability, choice, or personal effort. Examples of Achieved Status

What does status mean in social science?

Social Sciences. Status is a term that is used often in sociology. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of status, achieved status and ascribed status. Each can refer to one’s position, or role, within a social system—child, parent, pupil, playmate, etc.—or to one’s economic or social position within that status.

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