What is trauma to the abdomen?

What is trauma to the abdomen?

Abdominal trauma is an injury to the abdomen. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, tenderness, rigidity, and bruising of the external abdomen. Complications may include blood loss and infection. Diagnosis may involve ultrasonography, computed tomography, and peritoneal lavage, and treatment may involve surgery.

What is the most common cause of abdominal trauma?

[11] reported motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), fall from height and assaults to be the most common causes of blunt abdominal trauma. The penetrating trauma is mainly caused by gunshot, stab, and other objects that enter the peritoneal cavity.

What are 4 potential problems of abdominal injuries?

Muscle guarding, back and flank pain, nausea, vomiting, and even shock are possible with significant trauma to the kidneys. With enough force transferred to the abdominal area, intestinal damage and even bowel perforation can occur.

How do you know if you have stomach trauma?

Recognizing complications of abdominal trauma Patients with sudden worsening of abdominal pain in the days following injury should be suspected of having a ruptured solid organ hematoma or a delayed hollow viscus perforation, particularly if they have tachycardia and/or hypotension.

Why are the organs contained in the abdominal region the most vulnerable?

Multisystem injuries are common. Pediatric abdomen is more susceptible to abdominal trauma because of decreased musculature and fat, as well as more exposed solid organs and bladder. Abdominal trauma is the most common unrecognized cause of fatal injuries.

What is the first thing to address with a trauma patient?

First steps include checking and treating airway obstructions, breathing difficulties, and lack of circulation. Immobilization techniques are also used to minimize the damage to affected areas, like the spine, during transfer. Basic life support techniques and equipment are also used in pre-hospital care.

What is the seat belt syndrome?

Seatbelt injury, also called seatbelt syndrome, is a group of common injury profiles associated with the use of seatbelts. These range from bruising and abrasions following the distribution of the seatbelt, also known as seatbelt signs, to intra-abdominal injuries and vertebral fractures.

How is abdominal trauma treated?

In blunt abdominal trauma, including severe solid organ injuries, selective nonoperative management has become the standard of care. Angiography is a valuable modality in nonoperative management of abdominal solid organ injuries from blunt trauma in adults.

Which organ is most commonly injured in penetrating abdominal trauma?

The intestines were most commonly impacted by penetrating trauma (70.1% of cases), followed by the liver and spleen (19.4% and 17.9%, respectively). The most common mode of injury in penetrating trauma cases was gunshot (85%) and stab wounds (15%).

Which of the following organs is at most risk for injury as the result of a pelvic fracture?

In severe pelvic fractures (Abbreviated Injury Scale [AIS] > or =4), the incidence of associated intraabdominal injuries was 30.7%, and the most commonly injured organs were the bladder and urethra (14.6%).

¿Cuáles son los síntomas de un traumatismo torácico?

Existen algunos síntomas recurrentes en todos los traumatismos torácicos que pueden incluir: 1 Dificultad respiratoria 2 Respiración acelerada y superficial 3 Disminución del nivel de conciencia 4 Mareo

¿Qué son las lesiones en la pared torácica?

Lesiones en la pared torácica: contusiones o hematomas, fracturas de costilla, fracturas del esternón, fracturas de clavícula y tórax inestable. Lesión pulmonar: contusión pulmonar, neumotórax, laceración pulmonar, hemotórax o hemo-neuomtórax.

¿Cómo prevenir un traumatismo de tórax?

¿Se puede prevenir? Para prevenir un traumatismo de tórax es importante evitar los riesgos que puedan producir accidentes que deriven en este tipo de lesión. Se deben seguir las medidas de seguridad adecuadas en cada tipo de actividad, ya sea lucrativa o laboral.

¿Qué es un traumatismo torácico penetrante?

Traumatismo torácico penetrante: causado por un arma blanca, una bala, fragmentos de explosiones o cualquier objeto que se introduzca por accidente en el tórax. ¿Se puede prevenir? Para prevenir un traumatismo de tórax es importante evitar los riesgos que puedan producir accidentes que deriven en este tipo de lesión.

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