What does invalid syntax mean in Stata?
invalid syntax This error is produced by syntax and other parsing commands when there is a syntax error in the use of the command itself rather than in what is being parsed.
What is double type in Stata?
Storage Types in Stata Float and double are the two that can hold non-integer numbers (decimals) and are the most common.
What is a string variable in Stata?
String variables, simply speaking, are variables that contain not just numbers, but also other characters (possibly mixed with numbers). Another term that is often used is “alphanumeric” variables, obviously referring the the “alphabet” and therefore to letters.
Why is data red in Stata?
It’s a common mistake when importing data to accidentally make Stata think a numeric variable is a string. The values of string variables are red in the data browser (like make in this data set) so if you start seeing red where you shouldn’t you know you’ve got a problem.
What does encode mean in Stata?
Description. encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name.
How long can a variable name be in Stata?
32 characters
4 STATA allows up to 32 characters as a variable name.
What does Varlist required mean in Stata?
If no varlist appears, these commands assume a varlist of all, the Stata shorthand for indicating all the variables in the dataset. In commands that alter or destroy data, Stata requires that the varlist be specified explicitly. A varname refers to exactly one variable.
What is a float in Stata?
float is a storage format used by Stata, not a computation format. When you have a number stored as a float and you make a calculation, such as . gen newvar = sqrt(oldvar)/sqrt(2) oldvar is retrieved and is promoted to a double.
What is a byte type in Stata?
Here we can see that the storage type is listed as “byte.” Byte indicates that the variable is stored as an integer between -127 and 100. The default data storage type for Stata is “float.” By inquiring with Stata using the help command, we see that the float variable type is much larger relative to. byte: .
What is the Egen command in Stata?
The Stata command egen, which stands for extended generation, is used to create variables that require some additional function in order to be generated. Examples of these function include taking the mean, discretizing a continuous variable, and counting how many from a set of variables have missing values.
What are blue variables in Stata?
Almost all the variables in this data set are in blue, meaning they have value labels. Some of these are like the value labels you saw before. For example, the sex variable has 1 labeled as “male” and 2 labeled as “female.” However, most of the value labels only label the missing values.