What was the Tuskegee Institute quizlet?

What was the Tuskegee Institute quizlet?

Tuskegee Institute. A normal and industrial school led by Booker T. Washington in Tuskegee, Alabama. It focused on training young black students in agriculture and the trades to help them achieve economic independence.

Who primarily ran settlement houses?

These centers were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women’s and labor movements.

Who were the liberal Protestants Apush?

liberal Protestants Members of a branch of Protestantism who encouraged followers to use the Bible as a moral compass not see it as a scientific or historical truth. Many became active in social gospel.

Who were the new immigrants Apush?

The “new” immigrants came from Southern and Eastern Europe. They were Italians, Greeks, Croats, Slovaks, Poles and Russians. Many were poor and illiterate peasants who had left autocratic countries and therefore were unaccustomed to democratic traditions.

What was the purpose of the Tuskegee Institute?

Tuskegee Institute was founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881 under a charter from the Alabama legislature for the purpose of training teachers in Alabama. Tuskegee’s program provided students with both academic and vocational training.

What was the main focus of the Tuskegee Institute?

African-American leader Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute in 1881 to train African-Americans in agriculture and industry and promote the economic progress of his race.

Who owned the Hull-House?

Jane Addams
Born in Cedarville, Illinois, on September 6, 1860, and graduated from Rockford Female Seminary in 1881, Jane Addams founded, with Ellen Gates Starr, the world famous social settlement Hull-House on Chicago’s Near West Side in 1889.

Who founded the Hull-House?

In 1889, Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr established Hull-House in Chicago, the first settlement house in the United States.

What was pragmatism Apush?

Pragmatism. An idea developed by William James and John Dewey that argued that the “good” and “true” could not be known in the abstract as fixed and changeless ideals. They said that people should take a practical approach to morals, ideals, and knowledge.

Who was John Dewey Apush?

He was a philosopher who believed in “learning by doing” which formed the foundation of progressive education.

Where did the new immigrants come from quizlet?

Unlike earlier immigration, which had come primarily from Western and Northern Europe, the New Immigrants came mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe, fleeing persecution and poverty. Language barriers and cultural differences produced mistrust by Americans.

Why did immigrants come to America Apush?

All of these immigrants came over in search of jobs and of new economic opportunities. Passed by Congress in 1917in order to restrict immigration, the law enlarged the group of immigrants that could be excluded from the United States.

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