What are the traditions of the Day of the Dead here in Ecuador?

What are the traditions of the Day of the Dead here in Ecuador?

Traditions practiced during the Day of the Dead in Ecuador consist of vigils or visits to cemeteries on behalf of the family and/or friends of the deceased, these of which brings gifts such as flowers and food with them. Ecuadorians paying respect to their passed away relatives.

What are some traditions of Ecuador?

  • 1)El Año Viejo and Nuevo Ano (New Year) December 31st – January 1. st
  • 2) Carnival- February or March.
  • 3) Semana Santa, Easter – March or April.
  • 4) Dia de Trabajo- May 1st.
  • 5) San Pedro & San Pablo- June 29. th
  • 6) Día de Muertos- November 2nd.
  • 7) Navidad- December 25th.
  • 8) Ecuadorian Military and Independence Holidays.

What traditions is Day of the Dead a mix of?

As complex as the culture of Mexico itself, Dia de los Muertos is a fusion of pre-Columbian religious tradition (Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, etc.) and Iberian observance of the feast days, itself a complex blend of Christian and “pagan” traditions.

How is Ano Viejo celebrated?

Año Viejo, which literally means “old year,” basically refers to a puppet that is dressed in old clothes and burned to bring good luck in the New Year. This is a tradition mostly done in small towns and it has been around for decades, representing a symbolic way of letting go and hoping for a better tomorrow.

Where is Day of the Dead celebrated in Ecuador?

In Ecuador, city dwellers in Quito, Loja, Ambato, and beyond come together on Dia de los Difuntos – as Day of the Dead is commonly referred to in Ecuador – to enjoy guaguas de pan (“bread babies”) and colada morada (“purple drink”) with their families.

What do you think about Day of the Dead?

The Day of the Dead is a time of celebration and remembrance of loved ones who have passed away, much like Memorial Day in the United States. During the days of the dead, the family often takes the opportunity to visit the gravesite and pull weeds, clean any debris and decorate the graves of loved ones.

What is celebrated on the Day of the Dead?

Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life and death. While the holiday originated in Mexico, it is celebrated all over Latin America with colorful calaveras (skulls) and calacas (skeletons). Learn how the Day of the Dead started and the traditions that make it unique.

What culture is Day of the Dead?

Día de los Muertos—the Day of the Dead—is a lively Mexican holiday that draws on indigenous and European traditions.

What are some Ecuadorian traditions associated with New Year’s Day?

Some of the most popular traditions of New Years in Ecuador include:

  1. Burning of Año Viejo Dolls.
  2. New Year Viudas (Widows)
  3. Eating of Twelve Grapes.
  4. Choose the Color of your New Years Underwear carefully!
  5. Fireworks.
  6. Tax Collectors.

When is the Day of the Dead celebrated in Ecuador?

In Ecuador, the Day of the Dead or “Dia de los Difuntos” is celebrated on November 2nd.

What to do in Ecuador on November 2?

In some places in Ecuador you can still observe some old traditions. One of them is the cemetery of Calderón in the province Pichincha, where family members prepare the favorite meal of the dead relatives, eat it next to the grave and talk to each other about the latest happenings. Moreover you can enjoy a diverse gastronomy every November 2.

Why do we celebrate Día de los Muertos?

The “Día de los Muertos” which was celebrated in Ecuador last week is an old tradition since pre-Inca times. In pre-Inca times the burying of the dead was an important ritual that followed the indigenous cosmovision.

What is the Día de los Difuntos in Ecuador?

On the actual Día de los Difuntos, families dress in their finest clothes, bring their favorite foods to share, and picnic together in the cemetery itself. In places like Cotacachi and Otavalo in the Imbabura Province and Calderon near Quito, there are hundreds of people who fill the cemetery grounds.

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