How would you describe your temperament as a young child?

How would you describe your temperament as a young child?

A child’s temperament describes the way in which she approaches and reacts to the world. It is her personal“style.” Temperament influences a child’s behavior and the way she interacts with others . Easy or flexible children tend to be happy, regular in sleeping and eating habits, adaptable, calm, and noteasily upset.

What are the 3 types of child temperament?

The three major types of temperament are easy, slow-to-warm-up and difficult.

What are different types of temperament?

There are four basic types of temperament. These types of temperament suggest different types of temperament characteristics. They are the sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic types of temperament.

What are the 4 types of temperament discussed by Thomas and Chess?

Thomas and Chess identified nine dimensions or qualities that help indicate temperament, including: activity level, rhythmicity, distractibility, approach or withdrawal, adaptability, attention span and persistence, intensity of reaction, threshold of responsiveness, and quality of mood.

What are the five types of temperament?

According to their relative predominance in the individual, they were supposed to produce, respectively, temperaments designated sanguine (warm, pleasant), phlegmatic (slow-moving, apathetic), melancholic (depressed, sad), and choleric (quick to react, hot tempered).

What is sanguine choleric melancholic and phlegmatic?

For example, the choleric person is passionate, ambitious, and bold; the melancholic person is reserved, anxious, and unhappy; the sanguine person is joyful, eager, and optimistic; and the phlegmatic person is calm, reliable, and thoughtful (Clark & Watson, 2008; Stelmack & Stalikas, 1991).

What are the different types of temperaments?

The four basic types of temperaments are the sanguine, the choleric, the melancholic, and the phlegmatic. One of the most common types of temperament is Sanguine. A sanguine is typically positive or negative, especially in difficult scenarios. Out of the nine temperament characteristics, especially for a child’s temperament is the activity level.

What is a child’s temperament?

The child’s temperament is a key factor in understanding their behavior and the way they interact with others. There are three general types of temperaments often referred to as easy-going, slow-to-warm, and active/feisty.

What are the Four Temperaments and their predominant humors?

The four temperaments and their predominant humors are as follows: 1 Sanguine: blood 2 Phlegmatic: phlegm 3 Choleric: yellow bile 4 Melancholic: black bile

How do you know your temperament?

You can know your temperament by understanding temperament, the definition of temperament, and the types of temperament. By doing this, you trace this your behavior and emotional reactivity. Interestingly, you don’t necessarily have to do all of that. You may also see an expert in human psychology to help you know your temperament.

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