What is an example of pretentious?

What is an example of pretentious?

The definition of pretentious is someone or something that claims to be very important or grand. An example of pretentious is someone saying they deserve a table in a crowded restaurant because of who they are. Showing or betraying an attitude of superiority. Made pretentious remarks about his education.

Is Big Brother a person?

Big Brother is a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell’s dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens (with the exception of the Proles).

What is the role of big brother in 1984?

Big Brother is the supreme ruler of Oceania, the leader of the Party, an accomplished war hero, a master inventor and philosopher, and the original instigator of the revolution that brought the Party to power. The Party uses the image of Big Brother to instill a sense of loyalty and fear in the populace.

Why is Winston Smith’s name ironic?

A: The name “Winston” is ironic because it means “from a friendly place” although where Winston is from, Oceania, it is not friendly at all. His surname, “Smith”, is also ironic because he is not common. The unusual thing about the mottos is that they’re ironic because the mottos are contradicting themselves.

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