How to multiply 6502?

How to multiply 6502?

Since 6502 lacks any multiplication instruction, the most obvious way to multiply is to use shift and add. For an 8 × 8 bit product, one would need 8 shifts and an average of 4 adds.

Do programs multiply 2 16 bit numbers?

In this program we will see how to multiply two 16-bit numbers….Input.

Address Data
3000 AD
3001 BC
3002 2D
3003 FE

What is 16bit multiplication?

16-bit multiplication is the multiplication of two 16-bit value from another. Such a multiplication results in a 32-bit value. A 16-bit value multiplied by another 16-bit value results in a 32-bit value (16 + 16), etc. For the sake of example, let’s multiply 25,136 by 17,198.

What is the difference between the Imul and MUL instructions with an example?

The MUL instruction multiplies unsigned numbers. IMUL multiplies signed numbers. A nonzero number in the upper half of the result (AH for byte, DX or EDX for word) sets the overflow and carry flags. On the 80186–80486 processors, the IMUL instruction supports three additional operand combinations.

What is base 16 called?

Hexadecimal is the name of the numbering system that is base 16. This system, therefore, has numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

How do you calculate binary multiplication?

The rules for binary multiplication are as follows.

  1. 0 × 0 = 0.
  2. 0 × 1 = 0.
  3. 1 × 0 = 0.
  4. 1 × 1 = 1.

When two 16-bit numbers are multiplied in 8086 the result is stored in?

Problem – Write a program to multiply two 16-bit numbers where starting address is 2000 and the numbers are at 3000 and 3002 memory address and store result into 3004 and 3006 memory address.

What is MUL BL?

For example: MUL BL ;Multiply data in Bl with AL MUL 10[CL] ;Multiply data stored at offset address CL+10 with data in AL.

How to multiply in 6502?

Since 6502 lacks any multiplication instruction, the most obvious way to multiply is to use shift and add. For an 8 × 8 bit product, one would need 8 shifts and an average of 4 adds. The following clever loop is from Leif Stensson. It should take 130 cycles on average, if I count it correctly.

How many numbers can be stored in a 6502 microprocessor?

As we all know, the 6502 is an 8 bit microprocessor. That means, only numbers from 0 to 255 can be stored on a given memory location. However, there is a way to link more 8 bit numbers together so that we can make calculations with 16 bits or 32 bits numbers. Or even more.

Is integer division possible in the 6502 microprocessor?

Integer division by two is also possible. Starting from what we have, we can implement on software the missing instructions (generic multiply and divide instructions). As we all know, the 6502 is an 8 bit microprocessor. That means, only numbers from 0 to 255 can be stored on a given memory location.

How do you multiply 8-bit numbers?

8-bit multiplication by two is performed by the instruction ASL. If you want to multiply a number by ten, you just add a 0 to the right of it, shifting the number towards the left. As the CPU works with base 2 numbers, adding a 0 to the right of a number thus shifting it to the left just means: multiply by two.

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